Meestermatches (2) Route
Visit 10 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Meestermatches (2) in the museum
Portrait of a Married Couple, Likely Isaac Abrahamsz Massa and Beatrix van der Laen, Frans Hals, c. 1622
the Gallery of Honour
Winter Landscape, Jacob Isaacksz van Ruisdael, c. 1665
the Gallery of Honour
A Nocturnal Banquet, Otto van Veen, 1600 - 1613
Room 2.1
Portrait of a Woman, Probably Maria Trip (1619-1683), Rembrandt van Rijn, 1639
Room 2.8
Wine Merchants’ Guild, with the name of Lucas Bols, anonymous, 1621
Room 2.16
Wine glass with a portrait of King William III, anonymous, in or after 1690 - c. 1700
Room 2.20
Bust of King-Stadtholder William III, De Metaale Pot (attributed to), c. 1695 - c. 1700
Room 2.22
Portrait of William II, King of the Netherlands, Jan Adam Kruseman, 1839
Room 1.14
Portrait of Louis Napoleon, King of Holland, Charles Howard Hodges, 1809
Room 1.12
Court Jester Joseph Frölich with a Lady-in-waiting on a Sleigh, Meissener Porzellan Manufaktur, 1741
Room 0.10
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