groen - græuyne Route
Visit 14 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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groen - græuyne in the museum
View of Ambon, anonymous, c. 1617
Room 2.9
Oostzijdse Mill along the River Gein by Moonlight, Piet Mondriaan, c. 1903
Room 3.1
Lane of Oaks in Late Summer, Maria Bilders-van Bosse, 1880 - 1900
Room 1.18
Meadow near Oosterbeek, Gerard Bilders, 1860
Room 1.18
Landscape in the Environs of The Hague, Willem Roelofs (I), c. 1870 - c. 1875
Room 1.18
A Windmill on a Polder Waterway, Known as ‘In the Month of July’, Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël, c. 1889
Room 1.18
A Barn on the Bank of a Stream in Gelderland, Wouter Johannes van Troostwijk, c. 1805 - c. 1810
Room 1.14
Forest Scene, Barend Cornelis Koekkoek, 1848
Room 1.14
Italianate Landscape with Pines, Hendrik Voogd, 1795
Room 1.12
View in the Park of the Villa Chigi at Ariccia, Abraham Teerlink, 1822
Room 1.12
Italian Landscape with Umbrella Pines, Hendrik Voogd, 1807
Room 1.12
Flowerpot Decorated with Fish and Plants, anonymous, c. 1675 - c. 1699
Room 0.10
Mirror with geometric patterns and stylized animals, anonymous, -100 - 100
Room 2
Ritual winecup, anonymous, c. -1700 - c. -1050
Room 1.5
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