Pamfletten, vlugschriften, nieuwsprenten Route
Visit 6 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Pamfletten, vlugschriften, nieuwsprenten in the museum
The Merry Family, Jan Havicksz. Steen, 1668
the Gallery of Honour
Princes Maurice and Frederick Henry at the Valkenburg Horse Fair, Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne, 1618
Room 2.5
Merry Company, Isack Elyas, 1629
Room 2.6
The Dutch Ambassador on his Way to Isfahan, Jan Baptist Weenix, 1653 - 1659
Room 2.9
Allegory on the French Invasion of 1672, Johannes van Wijckersloot, 1672
Room 2.18
A Flemish Kermis with a Performance of the Farce ‘Een cluyte van Plaeyerwater’, Peeter Baltens, c. 1570
Room 0.6
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