References Route
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References in the museum
Japanese koban with a stamp (coat of arms of Holland) applied in Batavia, anonymous, 1690
Room 2.16
Vase, Émile Gallé, c. 1885
Room 1.18
Glass, known as a ‘Comet beaker’, anonymous, c. 1600 - c. 1650
Room 0.7
Ovale broche ‘au firmament’, anonymous, 1785 - 1800
Room 0.9
Gesp, Lodewijk Willem van Kooten (II), c. 1908 - c. 1911
Room 0.9
Broche, Lodewijk Willem van Kooten (II), c. 1908 - c. 1911
Room 0.9
Broche, anonymous, c. 1825 - c. 1830
Room 0.9
Tile with floral scrolls, anonymous, c. 1550 - c. 1599
Room 0.10
Informal Women’s Kimono, anonymous, 1920 - 1940
Room 2
Dance kimono for a geisha, anonymous, 1920 - 1940
Room 2
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