Sixth century Route
Visit 11 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Sixth century in the museum
The Trading Post of the Dutch East India Company in Hooghly, Bengal, Hendrik van Schuylenburgh, 1665
Room 2.9
Trading posts of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), Johannes Vinckboons (attributed to), c. 1662 - c. 1663
Room 2.9
View of Ambon, anonymous, c. 1617
Room 2.9
Latch, anonymous
Room 0.7
Model of a Hoist or GIN, Jan Marten Kleman, c. 1793 - c. 1807
Room 0.13
Uma, anonymous, 1400 - 1500
Room 1
Mahakala, anonymous, c. 800 - c. 900
Room 1
Guanyin, anonymous, 512
Room 2
Watervat, anonymous, 1200 - 1500
Room 2
Bell, anonymous, 930 - 1600
Room 2
Bell, anonymous, 930 - 1500
Room 2
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