Sample Route
Visit 11 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Sample in the museum
Turfmand met hengsel, met turf, vervaardigd van gespleten wilgenteen, anonymous, c. 1676
Room 2.20
Piece of the stone on which Prince William III set foot on arriving in England, anonymous, 1689
Room 2.22
Fragment of a bowl with two horsemen besides a tree, anonymous, c. 1150 - c. 1224
Room 0.10
Decorated wooden knife handles from the wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman Hollandia, anonymous, 1700 - in or before 1743
Room 0.11
Kist met composietmetalen, John Brown & Co Ltd, 1850 - 1900
Room 0.13
Box Containing Twelve Samples of Wood from North America, August Elize Tromp, 1825
Room 0.13
Iron sample, Krupp, 1858
Room 0.13
Box with iron, steel and ore samples, Aall & Sons, c. 1860 - c. 1870
Room 0.13
Sample of armour plating, Charles Camell & Co. Ltd Cyclop-Steel and Iron-Works, c. 1868
Room 0.13
Sample of cast iron, Krupp, 1859
Room 0.13
Fragment of a doorpost, anonymous, c. 100 - c. 200
Room 1
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