Onderzoek Route
Visit 25 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Onderzoek in the museum
Scherven van kommen en deksels van porselein uit V.O.C.-schip de 'Witte Leeuw', anonymous, before 1613
Room 2.9
Chest with nine porcelain bottles, anonymous, c. 1680 - c. 1700
Room 2.9
The Arms of the Dutch East India Company and of the Town of Batavia, Jeronimus Becx (II), 1651
Room 2.9
Veld van zestien tegels met schepen, anonymous, c. 1650 - c. 1680
Room 0.7
Betel box, anonymous, c. 1750
Room 0.7
Tabaksdoos van een schildpadschild, anonymous, 1785
Room 0.7
Man's silk stocking from the wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman 't Vliegend Hart, , 1730 - 1735
Room 0.11
Rope found in combination with a block from the wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman ''t Vliegend Hart', , 1729 - 1735
Room 0.11
Natural Trumpet from the wreck of the Dutch East India ship Hollandia, made by Georg Friedrich Steinmetz, Georg Friedrich Steinmetz, 1700 - 1735
Room 0.11
Side of a horn or turtle shell snuff box from the wreck of the Dutch East India ship 't Vliegend Hart, , 1700 - 1735
Room 0.11
Large plate or 'lampetschotel' of Chinese porcelain from the wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman Witte Leeuw, anonymous, before 1613
Room 0.11
Half coconut shell from the wreck of the Dutch East India ship Witte Leeuw, anonymous, before 1613
Room 0.11
Crassostrea cristagalli shell from the wreck of the Dutch East India ship Witte Leeuw, niet van toepassing, before 1613
Room 0.11
Ostreidae shell from the wreck of the Dutch East India ship Witte Leeuw, niet van toepassing, before 1613
Room 0.11
Model of part of a floating dock, Koninklijke Fabriek P. van Vlissingen & Dudok van Heel, 1863 - 1864
Room 0.13
Half model of a floating battery, Rijkswerf Vlissingen, 1867
Room 0.13
Model of a tubular boiler, anonymous, 1853
Room 0.13
Model of an Oscillating Steam Engine with Adjustable Steam Valve, Koninklijke Fabriek P. van Vlissingen & Dudok van Heel, 1855
Room 0.13
Bourbon fuse, anonymous, 1845
Room 0.13
Model of an 84-Gun Ship of the Line (starboard side), M. van Sprinkhuizen, 1837 - 1842
Room 0.13
Model of a submarine, Antoine Lipkens, Olke Uhlenbeck, 1835 - 1840
Room 0.13
Extra hard 23 cm shell, Royal Laboratory, c. 1870
Room 0.13
Flint gunlock for a 12-pounder cannon on a wooden breech, Rijkswerf Vlissingen, Brignol, 1820
Room 0.13
Model of the 58-gun East Indiaman Merkurius, anonymous, 1747
Room 0.13
Portrait of Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen, Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen (workshop of), c. 1533
Room 0.6
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