Meestermatches Route
Visit 7 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Meestermatches in the museum
Lacquer room, anonymous, before 1695
Room 0.3
Portrait of Willem Lodewijk (1560-1620), Count of Nassau, Nicknamed in Frisian ‘us heit’ (our father), Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt (workshop of), 1609
Room 2.1
Walking Man, anonymous, c. 1600
Room 2.3
Portrait of Carolina Frederica Kerst, Charles van Beveren, 1830
Room 1.12
Venus and Mercury, Wilhelm Caspar Wegely, c. 1752 - c. 1757
Room 0.10
The Meeting of Joachim and Anna, Master of Joachim and Anne, Master of Joachim and Anne, c. 1470
Room 0.1
Religious teacher, anonymous, c. 1300 - c. 1400
Room 2
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