BV Holland & Zeeland Route
Visit 13 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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BV Holland & Zeeland in the museum
The Departure of a Dignitary from Middelburg, Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne, 1615
Room 2.5
Trading posts of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), Johannes Vinckboons (attributed to), c. 1662 - c. 1663
Room 2.9
Deksel uit V.O.C.-schip de 'Witte Leeuw', anonymous, before 1613
Room 2.9
The Whale-oil Refinery near the Village of Smerenburg, Cornelis de Man, 1639
Room 2.9
The Castle of Batavia, Andries Beeckman, c. 1662
Room 2.9
View of Ambon, anonymous, c. 1617
Room 2.9
The Arms of the Dutch East India Company and of the Town of Batavia, Jeronimus Becx (II), 1651
Room 2.9
Church Building in Brazil, Frans Jansz Post, 1675 - 1680
Room 2.10
Model of the William Rex, Adriaen de Vriend, Adriaen Davidsen, Cornelis Moerman, 1698
Room 2.15
The Art Gallery of Jan Gildemeester Jansz, Adriaan de Lelie, 1794 - 1795
Room 1.10
A Dutch Merchant, Possibly Andreas Everardus van Braam Houckgeest, Chitqua (attributed to), c. 1770
Room 1.5
Signboard with a ship, anonymous, c. 1700 - c. 1799
Room 0.13
Model of the 58-gun East Indiaman Merkurius, anonymous, 1747
Room 0.13
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