Visit 11 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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The app will guide you step by step along these artworks in the museum.
BLUSH in the museum
Portrait of a Girl Dressed in Blue, Johannes Verspronck, 1641
the Gallery of Honour
A Shepherdess, Paulus Moreelse, 1630
Room 2.1
The Company of Captain Dirck Jacobsz Rosecrans and Lieutenant Pauw, Cornelis Ketel, 1588
Room 2.1
Venus and Adonis, Bartholomeus Spranger, c. 1585 - c. 1590
Room 2.1
Satyr and Nymph, Gerard van Honthorst, 1623
Room 2.1
Woman in a Large Hat, Caesar van Everdingen, c. 1650
Room 2.11
Young Italian Woman, with ‘Puck’ the Dog, Thérèse Schwartze, c. 1885 - c. 1886
Room 1.18
'Isabella', Simon Maris, c. 1906
Room 1.18
Portrait of Lizzy Ansingh, Thérèse Schwartze, 1902
Room 1.18
Portrait of Hortense de Beauharnais, Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson, c. 1805 - c. 1809
Room 1.12
Portrait of Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen, Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen (workshop of), c. 1533
Room 0.6
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