Indumentaria XVII (hombres) Route
Visit 11 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Indumentaria XVII (hombres) in the museum
The Sampling Officials of the Amsterdam Drapers’ Guild, Known as ‘The Syndics’, Rembrandt van Rijn, 1662
the Gallery of Honour
Group Portrait of an Unidentified Board of Governors, Thomas de Keyser, c. 1625 - c. 1630
Room 2.5
Banquet at the Crossbowmen’s Guild in Celebration of the Treaty of Münster, Bartholomeus van der Helst, 1648
Room 2.8
Portrait of Ephraim Bueno, Rembrandt van Rijn, 1645 - 1647
Room 2.8
Woollen Caps Worn by Dutch Whalers, anonymous, c. 1740 - c. 1760
Room 2.9
Thomas Hees and his Servant Thomas and Nephews Jan and Andries Hees, Michiel van Musscher, 1687
Room 2.9
Case for a pipe, anonymous, c. 1700 - c. 1725
Room 2.9
The Smoker, Adriaen Brouwer (attributed to), c. 1635 - c. 1640
Room 2.13
Double Portrait of Isaac Pontanus and Hendrik van Beek, Michiel van Musscher, 1689
Room 2.16
Beggar with a Wooden Leg, anonymous, anonymous, c. 1625 - c. 1700
Room 2.26
The Tree of Jesse, Geertgen tot Sint Jans (circle of), c. 1500
Room 0.1
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