Non-paintings Route
Visit 13 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Non-paintings in the museum
Dog, anonymous, c. 1700 - c. 1724
Room 0.10
Makara, anonymous, c. 800 - c. 900
Room 1
Lintel, anonymous, c. 850
Room 1
Makara, anonymous, c. 800 - c. 900
Room 1
Avalokiteshvara, anonymous, c. 750 - c. 900
Room 1
Nandishvara, anonymous, c. 800 - c. 900
Room 1
Torso of a goddess, anonymous, 1175 - 1250
Room 1
Ganesha, anonymous, 800 - 950
Room 1
Brahma, anonymous, 800 - 900
Room 1
Fragment of a Chariot, anonymous, -1100 - -800
Room 2
Applique, anonymous, c. -600 - c. -100
Room 2
Small vase, anonymous, 1775 - 1800
Room 2
Lamp or Spouted Vessel in the Form of a Man Seated on an Elephant, anonymous, c. 1300 - c. 1500
Room 1.5
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