Funiculì, Funiculà Route
Visit 16 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Funiculì, Funiculà in the museum
Kendi from the V.O.C.-ship the 'Witte Leeuw', anonymous, before 1613
Room 2.9
Dolls-house Ceiling-Painting of a Cloudy Sky with Birds, Nicolaes Piemont (attributed to), c. 1690 - c. 1709
Room 2.20
Cabinet, Elias Boscher, c. 1660 - c. 1670
Room 2.26
Square Man, Karel Appel, 1951
Room 3.3
Model of the island of Deshima, anonymous, 1850 - 1851
Room 1.17
Studioportret van dirigerende Willem Mengelberg, Jacob Merkelbach, 1919
Room 1.16
Buccin, Charles Kretzschmann, c. 1830
Room 1.12
Model of a cross-section through an armoured turret, Adriaan Rosel, 1868 - 1869
Room 0.13
Model of a trunk engine, Petrus van der Loo, 1855
Room 0.13
Model of a 30-pounder carronade in a battery Vlissingen, Rijkswerf Vlissingen, 1838
Room 0.13
Model of gun ports for a floating battery, Rijkswerf Willemsoord, 1861
Room 0.13
Model of a ship’s galley, anonymous, anonymous, c. 1799 - c. 1820
Room 0.13
Model of a 24-Gun Frigate, anonymous, c. 1780 - c. 1806
Room 0.13
Model of a 40-gun warship, anonymous, 1738
Room 0.13
Candlestick: knight with a Dragon, anonymous, anonymous (rejected attribution), c. 1175 - c. 1225
Room 0.2
Chest, anonymous, c. 1450 - c. 1499
Room 0.5
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