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Jonge ransuil
Charles Donker
Decorative Depiction with Plants…
Decorative Depiction with Plants…
Decorative Depiction with Plants…
Twaalf vogels op takken
Bartholomeus van Lochom
Wensbrief met krans en adelaar
Mindermann & Co.
Four Crows in a Tree
Mano Kyotei
De Jumantsubo vlakte te Susaki bij…
Hiroshige (I) , Utagawa
Zilverreiger in de regen
Ohara Koson
Head of a Cockatoo
Aert Schouman
Crane Before the Rising Sun
Yashima Gakutei
Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita
Drie vogels
Small Birds on a Twig
Ohara Koson
Birds from Ambon
Jan Brandes
Bird and red vine
Kôno Bairei
Esaias van Hulsen
The Threatened Swan
Jan Asselijn
On display in Gallery of Honour
Balearica regulorum (Grey crowned…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Anthropoides paradisea (Blue crane…
Robert Jacob Gordon
A Pelican and other Birds near a…
Melchior d'Hondecoeter
On display in room 2.22
Zes kerkuilen slapend op besneeuwde…
Theo van Hoytema
Group of Egrets in snow
Ohara Koson
Descending egrets in snow
Ohara Koson
Two Mallards near a Snow-Covered…
Ohara Koson
Two Mallards near a Snow-Covered…
Ohara Koson
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