june2019 Route
Visit 8 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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The app will guide you step by step along these artworks in the museum.
june2019 in the museum
The Cattle Ferry, Esaias van de Velde, 1622
Room 2.6
View of Olinda, Brazil, Frans Jansz Post, 1662
Room 2.10
The Corpses of the De Witt Brothers, Jan de Baen (attributed to), c. 1672 - c. 1675
Room 2.18
Italian Landscape with Umbrella Pines, Hendrik Voogd, 1807
Room 1.12
Commode, Adrien Faizelot Delorme, c. 1750
Room 1.4
The Tree of Jesse, Geertgen tot Sint Jans (circle of), c. 1500
Room 0.1
Mary Magdalene, Carlo Crivelli, c. 1480
Room 0.2
Temple Guardian, anonymous, c. 1300 - c. 1400
Room 2
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