Big History Route
Visit 19 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Big History in the museum
Map of the Iberian Peninsula, Augustin Hirschvogel (attributed to), c. 1553
Room 2.3
Globe cup, Christoph Ritter (III), c. 1640
Room 2.3
Fishing for Souls, Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne, 1614
Room 2.5
Dice glass, anonymous, c. 1580 - c. 1590
Room 2.12
Terrestrial globe, Willem Janszoon Blaeu, 1645 - 1648
Room 2.15
A Pelican and other Birds near a Pool, Known as ‘The Floating Feather’, Melchior d'Hondecoeter, c. 1680
Room 2.22
Square Man, Karel Appel, 1951
Room 3.3
The Banjarmasin Diamond, anonymous, c. 1875
Room 1.17
Rose branch made of iron from the gunboat of Jan van Speijk, anonymous, after 1831 - after 1832
Room 1.14
De zon, onderdeel van het planetarium, tellurium, lunarium, Hartog van Laun, c. 1974 - c. 1975
Room 1.10
Zwengel met knop, onderdeel van het planetarium, tellurium, lunarium, Hartog van Laun, c. 1800 - c. 1808
Room 1.10
Vuurwerk, anonymous, c. 1750 - c. 1830
Room 0.9
Cassowary egg from the wreck of the Dutch East India ship Witte Leeuw, , before 1613
Room 0.11
Powder tester, anonymous, c. 1775 - c. 1800
Room 0.12
Pocket Compass, anonymous, c. 1800 - c. 1858
Room 0.13
Sounding machine, Edward Massey, 1810
Room 0.13
Sample of armour plating, Charles Camell & Co. Ltd Cyclop-Steel and Iron-Works, c. 1868
Room 0.13
Drinking horn from the Amsterdam Company of Arquebusiers, Arent Cornelisz Coster (attributed to), 1547
Room 0.4
Temple Guardian, anonymous, c. 1300 - c. 1400
Room 2
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