Leiden Route
Visit 8 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Leiden in the museum
Twelve emergency coins from Dutch cities, anonymous, 1573 - 1574
Room 2.1
Relief of Leiden, Dirk Jacobsz., 1574
Room 2.16
Inkstand with the coats of arms of Leiden, Delft and William III, anonymous, c. 1670 - c. 1680
Room 2.22
Mantelpiece with relief of Paris and Oenone, Jan Baptist Xavery, 1739
Room 1.2
Bokaal van het Schuttersgilde te Leiden, Cornelis van Dijk, 1711
Room 1.1
Kelkglas met het voormalig R.K. Weeshuis te Leiden, anonymous, 1769
Room 0.7
Model of an Anchor, Grofsmederij Leiden, c. 1860 - c. 1863
Room 0.13
Worship of the Golden Calf, Lucas van Leyden, c. 1530
Room 0.6
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