collage Route
Visit 6 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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The app will guide you step by step along these artworks in the museum.
collage in the museum
Self-portrait, Johan Gregor van der Schardt, 1573
Room 2.3
Crown for the King of Ardra, anonymous, c. 1664
Room 2.9
Decorative plate, Théodore Deck, c. 1878 - c. 1885
Room 1.18
Vijf doodskoppen, anonymous, in or after 1793 - c. 1830
Room 0.9
Twee geraamten aan een galg en één naakte persoon, anonymous, in or after 1793 - c. 1830
Room 0.9
Mary Magdalene, Carlo Crivelli, c. 1480
Room 0.2
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