alison Route
Visit 9 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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alison in the museum
View of Houses in Delft, Known as ‘The Little Street’, Johannes Vermeer, c. 1658
the Gallery of Honour
The Threatened Swan, Jan Asselijn, c. 1650
the Gallery of Honour
Interior of a Protestant, Gothic Church, with a Gravedigger in the Choir, Emanuel de Witte, 1669
Room 2.27
Cellar of the Artist’s Home in The Hague, Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch, 1888
Room 1.18
Javanese Court Officials, anonymous, c. 1820 - c. 1870
Room 1.17
Haarkam, anonymous, c. 1900 - c. 1910
Room 0.9
Aquamanile in the Form of a Centaur, anonymous, c. 1220 - c. 1240
Room 0.2
Isabella van Bourbon & Pleurants, Borman workshop (attributed to), Renier van Thienen (I) (attributed to), c. 1475 - c. 1476
Room 0.4
Dance kimono for a geisha, anonymous, 1920 - 1940
Room 2
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