Mijn eerste verzameling Route
Visit 24 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Mijn eerste verzameling in the museum
Still Life with Cheese, Floris Claesz van Dijck, c. 1615
the Gallery of Honour
Banquet Still Life, Adriaen van Utrecht, 1644
Room 2.4
Still Life with Flowers, Balthasar van der Ast, c. 1625 - c. 1630
Room 2.6
Landscape in Brazil, Frans Jansz Post, 1652
Room 2.10
View of Olinda, Brazil, Frans Jansz Post, 1662
Room 2.10
Woman in a Large Hat, Caesar van Everdingen, c. 1650
Room 2.11
Plaque with an Italianate Landscape, Frederik van Frytom (attributed to), c. 1670 - c. 1700
Room 2.22
The Menagerie, Melchior d'Hondecoeter, c. 1690
Room 2.22
Plaque with a Chinoiserie landscape and gilt details, anonymous, c. 1680
Room 2.22
A Pelican and other Birds near a Pool, Known as ‘The Floating Feather’, Melchior d'Hondecoeter, c. 1680
Room 2.22
The Fishermen, Manufacture Royale des Gobelins, c. 1692 - c. 1723
Room 2.23
Forest Floor Still Life with Birds, Butterflies and a Lizard, Melchior d'Hondecoeter, c. 1668
Room 2.24
Girl in a White Kimono, George Hendrik Breitner, 1894
Room 1.18
Diorama of a Du, a Dance Celebration on the Plantation, Gerrit Schouten, 1830
Room 1.17
Portrait of Alida Christina Assink, Jan Adam Kruseman, 1833
Room 1.14
Monk Meditating near a Ruin by Moonlight, Frederik Marinus Kruseman, 1862
Room 1.14
Still Life with Flowers in a Greek Vase: Allegory of Spring, Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os, 1817
Room 1.13
Shells and Marine Plants, Henricus Franciscus Wiertz, 1809
Room 1.13
Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I, François Gérard (workshop of), c. 1805 - c. 1815
Room 1.12
The Gulf of Naples with the Island of Ischia in the Distance, Josephus Augustus Knip, 1818
Room 1.12
Italianate Landscape with Pines, Hendrik Voogd, 1795
Room 1.12
Snuffbox, anonymous
Room 0.7
Two sauce boats, anonymous, 1740 - 1765
Room 0.7
Dragon-Shaped Toothpick Pendant, anonymous, c. 1550 - c. 1600
Room 0.9
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