Bielawski Route
Visit 8 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Bielawski in the museum
Bacchant, Adriaen de Vries, 1626
Room 2.3
Crying Boy Stung by a Bee, Hendrick de Keyser (I) (attributed to), c. 1615 - c. 1620
Room 2.5
Girl in a White Kimono, George Hendrik Breitner, 1894
Room 1.18
Ornamental shield made from an elk’s antler, anonymous, c. 975 - c. 1050
Room 0.1
Aquamanile in the Form of a Mounted Knight, anonymous, c. 1220 - c. 1240
Room 0.2
Avalokiteshvara, anonymous, c. 750 - c. 900
Room 1
Shiva, anonymous, 850 - 925
Room 2
Religious teacher, anonymous, c. 1300 - c. 1400
Room 2
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