Miscellaneous Route
Visit 10 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Miscellaneous in the museum
Portrait of William I, Prince of Orange, Adriaen Thomasz. Key, c. 1579
Room 2.1
Kenau Simonsdr Hasselaer, anonymous, c. 1590 - c. 1609
Room 2.1
Princes Maurice and Frederick Henry at the Valkenburg Horse Fair, Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne, 1618
Room 2.5
The Departure of a Dignitary from Middelburg, Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne, 1615
Room 2.5
Executioner’s sword used to behead Oldenbarnevelt, anonymous, 1600 - 1625
Room 2.5
Rich Children, Poor Parents, Aert Pietersz., 1599
Room 2.5
Winter Landscape with Ice Skaters, Hendrick Avercamp, c. 1608
Room 2.6
Clock and gunpowder horn, anonymous, c. 1590 - c. 1596
Room 2.9
Muleteers at an Inn, Karel du Jardin, c. 1658 - c. 1660
Room 2.17
Portrait of Adam Wachendorff, with a Putto Blowing Bubbles, Cornelis Ketel, 1574
Room 0.6
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