patronen en kleur Route
Visit 39 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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patronen en kleur in the museum
Roemer, anonymous, 1621
Room 2.8
Vase with prunus blossoms on a wave pattern, anonymous, c. 1635 - c. 1650
Room 2.9
Trunk, anonymous, c. 1600
Room 2.9
Scherven van kommen en deksels van porselein uit V.O.C.-schip de 'Witte Leeuw', anonymous, before 1613
Room 2.9
Table cover, Maximiliaan van der Gucht (possibly), c. 1650 - c. 1675
Room 2.20
Sprei voor wieg, van beschilderde katoen (sits), gevoerd met crème kleurige zijde, anonymous, c. 1690 - c. 1710
Room 2.20
Plank waarop drie stapels gekloofd beukenhout, anonymous, c. 1690 - c. 1710
Room 2.20
Vase, Émile Gallé, c. 1885
Room 1.18
Javanese Court Officials, anonymous, c. 1820 - c. 1870
Room 1.17
Pair of chestnut vases, Fa. As. Bonebakker en Zoon, 1841
Room 1.14
Shells and Marine Plants, Henricus Franciscus Wiertz, 1809
Room 1.13
Dish covers, coolers, soup tureens, salt cellars, pepper and mustard pots, sauceboats, Jean Baptiste Claude Odiot, c. 1819
Room 1.13
Keeshondje, anonymous, 1784 - 1787
Room 1.10
Snuifdoos van goud, ovaal en geheel bezet met briljanten op een ondergrond van groen émail, op het deksel een voorstelling, Jean George, c. 1763 - c. 1764
Room 1.9
Ewer, anonymous, c. 1725 - c. 1740
Room 1.4
Tile panel with a vase of flowers, anonymous, c. 1690 - c. 1750
Room 0.7
Jug, De Drie Posteleyne Astonne, c. 1700 - c. 1720
Room 0.7
Berkemeyer with four rows of prunts, anonymous, c. 1575 - c. 1625
Room 0.7
Toilet box on stand, anonymous, 1675 - 1699
Room 0.7
Casket, anonymous, 1640 - 1660
Room 0.7
Container in the form of a beer barrel, anonymous, c. 1700
Room 0.7
Case for a travelling cutlery set, anonymous, c. 1675 - c. 1700
Room 0.7
Rattle in the form of a lion, Nicolaas Swalue, 1778
Room 0.9
Plastic Bags, Beppe Kessler, 1985
Room 0.9
Broche met haar van de dichteres Petronella Moens, anonymous, c. 1843
Room 0.9
Sneeuwster, anonymous, c. 1790 - c. 1830
Room 0.9
Broche, Lodewijk Willem van Kooten (II), c. 1908 - c. 1911
Room 0.9
Star-shaped tile with stylized plants and pseudo-inscription, anonymous, c. 1290 - c. 1311
Room 0.10
Dish or tray with ornamental borders, Höchst, 1773
Room 0.10
Star-shaped tile with a stylized flowering plant, anonymous, c. 1250 - c. 1299
Room 0.10
Basket, Manufacture Oud-Loosdrecht, c. 1778 - c. 1782
Room 0.10
Dish with a scale motif and scrolls, anonymous, c. 1565 - c. 1585
Room 0.10
Aquamanile in the Form of a Lion with a Mounted Female Figure, anonymous, c. 1220 - c. 1230
Room 0.2
Aquamanile in the form of a lion, Meester Bernhuser (attributed to), c. 1375 - c. 1400
Room 0.2
Portrait of a young woman holding a fan, Giambattista Moroni, Giambattista Moroni, 1560 - 1578
Room 0.5
Vase, anonymous, c. 1100 - c. 1199
Room 2
Vrouwen haori met kleurige lijnen, anonymous, 1920 - 1940
Room 2
Dance kimono for a geisha, anonymous, 1920 - 1940
Room 2
Ring with shri symbol, anonymous, c. 800 - c. 1200
Room 2
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