3D Route
Visit 15 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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3D in the museum
Cupboard, anonymous, c. 1630 - c. 1640
Room 2.1
Table clock in the shape of a tower, Richard Ledertz, c. 1640
Room 2.3
Nautilus cup, anonymous, c. 1590
Room 2.3
Salt-cellar, anonymous, 1618
Room 2.12
Dolls’ house of Petronella Oortman, anonymous, c. 1686 - c. 1710
Room 2.20
Cabinet, Elias Boscher, c. 1660 - c. 1670
Room 2.26
Vase, Manufacture de Sèvres, 1908
Room 1.18
Dish covers, coolers, soup tureens, salt cellars, pepper and mustard pots, sauceboats, Jean Baptiste Claude Odiot, c. 1819
Room 1.13
Secretary, anonymous, c. 1780 - c. 1790
Room 1.11
Longcase clock, Balthazar Lieutaud, c. 1760 - c. 1765
Room 1.4
Collector’s cabinet with miniature apothecary, anonymous, 1730
Room 1.1
Detector lock with key, John Wilkes (slotenmaker), c. 1675 - c. 1700
Room 0.7
Travelling watch, Johann Georg Strasser, c. 1775
Room 0.9
Kruitfles, anonymous, c. 1600 - c. 1699
Room 0.12
Model for a jewel with Adam and Eve, Meester IP (attributed to), c. 1530
Room 0.2
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