Meestermatches Route
Visit 10 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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The app will guide you step by step along these artworks in the museum.
Meestermatches in the museum
The Milkmaid, Johannes Vermeer, c. 1660
the Gallery of Honour
The Threatened Swan, Jan Asselijn, c. 1650
the Gallery of Honour
Walking Man, anonymous, c. 1600
Room 2.3
Rue Notre-Dame, Paris, Johan Barthold Jongkind, 1866
Room 1.18
Longcase clock, Pieter van den Bergh, c. 1780
Room 1.11
A Soldier of the Janissaries, Jean Baptiste Vanmour (workshop of), 1700 - 1737
Room 1.3
Doos, Gerardus Vinck (attributed to), 1701
Room 0.7
Koets, Willem van Strant, c. 1727 - c. 1742
Room 0.10
Cannon owned by the Van Reigersberg family, Johannes Burgerhuys, 1678
Room 0.12
Hartsvanger, Juriaan Chorus, 1740 - 1778
Room 0.12
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