objcts Route
Visit 18 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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objcts in the museum
Drinking Bowl, Christiaen van Vianen, 1627
Room 2.1
Birdcage, anonymous, c. 1685 - c. 1700
Room 2.22
Vaas beschilderd met takken met seringen en een spin in zijn web, N.V. Haagsche Plateelfabriek Rozenburg, 1902
Room 3.1
Figure of a bear, Ernest Chaplet, c. 1891 - c. 1895
Room 1.18
Flask, anonymous, 1868
Room 1.15
Desk, Abraham Roentgen, c. 1758 - c. 1760
Room 1.9
Pair of rampant lions holding vessels, anonymous, c. 1700 - c. 1799
Room 0.7
Bottle in the form of a shoe, anonymous, c. 1675 - c. 1700
Room 0.7
Band om een Paradys Gärtlein, anonymous, c. 1625 - c. 1675
Room 0.7
Haarkam in de vorm van twee takken Viburnum, René Lalique, c. 1902 - c. 1903
Room 0.9
Rattle in the form of a lion, Nicolaas Swalue, 1778
Room 0.9
Pendant in the shape of a toad, anonymous, c. 1600 - c. 1620
Room 0.9
Part of a coffee and tea service, Manufacture Oud-Loosdrecht (attributed to), c. 1774 - c. 1778
Room 0.10
Tazza of Chinese porcelain from the wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman Witte Leeuw, anonymous, before 1613
Room 0.11
Pair of wheellock rifles with spanner from Cornelis Tromp, anonymous, c. 1650 - c. 1690
Room 0.12
Ornamental shield made from an elk’s antler, anonymous, c. 975 - c. 1050
Room 0.1
Aquamanile in the form of a horse, anonymous, c. 1200 - c. 1300
Room 0.2
Ring with Lotus Seed Decoration, anonymous, 800 - 1000
Room 2
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