Oriental rugs Route
Visit 12 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Oriental rugs in the museum
The Merry Family, Jan Havicksz. Steen, 1668
the Gallery of Honour
The Merry Fiddler, Gerard van Honthorst, 1623
Room 2.1
Enjoying the Ice near a Town, Hendrick Avercamp, c. 1620
Room 2.6
Portrait of the Three Regentesses of the Leprozenhuis, Amsterdam, Ferdinand Bol, anonymous, c. 1668 - c. 1671
Room 2.18
The Menagerie, Melchior d'Hondecoeter, c. 1690
Room 2.22
Cleopatra’s Banquet, Gerard de Lairesse, c. 1675 - c. 1680
Room 2.24
The Princess of Orange Visiting the Work-shop of Bartholomeus van der Helst, Hendrik Jacobus Scholten, c. 1850 - c. 1870
Room 1.14
Marie Fargues, the Painter’s Wife, Jean-Etienne Liotard, 1756 - 1758
Room 1.9
Lying-in Room of a Distinguished Turkish Woman, Jean Baptiste Vanmour, c. 1720 - c. 1737
Room 1.3
Isaac Parker, His Wife Justina Johanna Ramskrammer and Their Son Willem Alexander, Philip van Dijk, 1742
Room 1.1
Portrait of a Member of the Van der Mersch Family, Cornelis Troost, 1736
Room 1.1
‘Polonaise Carpet’, anonymous, c. 1600 - c. 1625
Room 0.10
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