mrndrks Route
Visit 26 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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mrndrks in the museum
The Windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede, Jacob Isaacksz van Ruisdael, c. 1668 - c. 1670
the Gallery of Honour
Two salt-cellars, one with Cain and Abel, and one with the Sacrifice of Isaac, Adam van Vianen (I) (possibly), 1621
Room 2.1
Still Life with Flowers in a Glass, Jan Brueghel (I), c. 1602
Room 2.3
Collage van uitgeknipte prenten geplakt op albumblad van blauw papier, Michael Snijders (attributed to), c. 1690 - 1720
Room 2.7
Kinderstoel vervaardigd van palmhout (model van zeshoekige tonnestoel), anonymous, c. 1690 - c. 1710
Room 2.20
Figure of a bear, Ernest Chaplet, c. 1891 - c. 1895
Room 1.18
Shells and Marine Plants, Henricus Franciscus Wiertz, 1809
Room 1.13
Marie Fargues, the Painter’s Wife, Jean-Etienne Liotard, 1756 - 1758
Room 1.9
Pair of vases (vases à perles or vases à panneaux), Manufacture de Sèvres, c. 1771
Room 1.9
Pair of vases (vase grec Duplessis rectifié), Manufacture de Sèvres, 1780
Room 1.9
Pair of vases (vases à perles or vases à panneaux), Manufacture de Sèvres, c. 1771
Room 1.9
Vase (vase ballon), Manufacture de Sèvres, 1771
Room 1.9
Nightlight in the form of a cat, anonymous, anonymous, c. 1760 - c. 1770
Room 1.5
Monkey with a snuffbox, Meissener Porzellan Manufaktur, c. 1730 - c. 1733
Room 1.4
Drinking cup in the form of a book, with the arms of Amsterdam, anonymous, 1651
Room 0.7
Chamberlain’s key with the monogram P.V.O., anonymous, c. 1700 - c. 1725
Room 0.7
Bottle in the form of a shoe, anonymous, c. 1675 - c. 1700
Room 0.7
Kist van steen versierd met randen, strepen en kolommen van ebbenhout, anonymous
Room 0.7
Hanger met cachet met de Dood, anonymous, c. 1600
Room 0.9
Book-shaped Watch, anonymous, c. 1840 - c. 1860
Room 0.9
Hanger met Minerva, anonymous, c. 1550 - c. 1600
Room 0.9
Ring with a flintlock, anonymous, 1650 - 1670
Room 0.12
Gesloten vizierhelm van ruiterharnas, anonymous, 1600 - 1625
Room 0.12
Reliquary bust of Saint Thekla, anonymous, c. 1325 - c. 1350
Room 0.2
Het gevleugelde varken op de wereld, Cornelis Anthonisz., 1541 - 1545
Room 0.3
Salome with the Head of John the Baptist, Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen, 1524
Room 0.6
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