tiles Route
Visit 12 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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tiles in the museum
Decorative plate with plant motifs, N.V. Haagsche Plateelfabriek Rozenburg, 1886
Room 1.18
Dish, anonymous, c. 1680 - c. 1699
Room 1.5
Dish, anonymous, c. 1692 - c. 1699
Room 1.5
Twee borden met een onbekend wapen, De Grieksche A, c. 1685 - c. 1700
Room 0.7
Plaque, anonymous, c. 1720 - c. 1740
Room 0.7
Bord, beschilderd met een compilatie van Chinese motieven, de initialen WE en het jaartal 1709, De Metaale Pot, 1709
Room 0.7
Star-shaped tile with stylized plants and pseudo-inscription, anonymous, c. 1290 - c. 1311
Room 0.10
Plate with a Floral Motif, anonymous, c. 1570 - c. 1590
Room 0.10
Nine interlocking tiles, anonymous, c. 1250 - c. 1324
Room 0.10
Star-shaped tile with a stylized flowering plant, anonymous, c. 1250 - c. 1299
Room 0.10
Star-shaped tile with floral scrolls, anonymous, c. 1250 - c. 1324
Room 0.10
Star-shaped tile with hares among floral scrolls, anonymous, c. 1250 - c. 1324
Room 0.10
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