Adorned :: Frames Route
Visit 11 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Adorned :: Frames in the museum
Portrait of William I, Prince of Orange, Adriaen Thomasz. Key, c. 1579
Room 2.1
Portrait of Catherine Behaghel, Jacques Jordaens, 1635
Room 2.4
Zelfportret van de kunstenaar, Anthony van Dyck, 1645 - 1646
Room 2.7
Portrait of Frederik Hendrik (1584-1647), Prince of Orange, Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt (workshop of), c. 1632
Room 2.8
Portrait of Pieter Groenendijk, Nicolaes Maes, 1677 - 1685
Room 2.20
Portrait of Petronella Dunois, Nicolaes Maes, 1677 - 1685
Room 2.20
Portrait of Raden Syarif Bustaman Saleh, Friedrich Carl Albert Schreuel (attributed to), c. 1840
Room 1.17
Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I, François Gérard (workshop of), c. 1805 - c. 1815
Room 1.12
Portrait of William I, King of the Netherlands, Joseph Paelinck, 1819
Room 1.12
Portrait of Catharina van Braam Houckgeest, anonymous, c. 1790
Room 1.5
Self-portrait, Cornelis Troost, 1739
Room 1.1
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