Ocean Route
Visit 6 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Ocean in the museum
Model of a Floating Beacon, Rijkswerf Rotterdam (possibly), 1845
Room 0.13
Model of the Duiveneiland lighthouse on Java, Gieterij Prins van Oranje (possibly), 1870
Room 0.13
Model of the lighthouse at De Cocksdorp on Texel, anonymous, 1863
Room 0.13
Model of the Vlakkenhoek lighthouse on Sumatra, Enthoven & Co., c. 1879
Room 0.13
Model of a Marker Waterschip, anonymous, c. 1850 - c. 1870
Room 0.13
Half model of an inspection boat, Jacob de Hen, 1779
Room 0.13
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