Prisioneiros Route
Visit 8 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Prisioneiros in the museum
Personal effects, anonymous, c. 1590 - c. 1596
Room 2.9
Wapenboek, anonymous, c. 1690 - c. 1710
Room 2.20
Boekband, anonymous, c. 1600 - c. 1625
Room 0.7
Boekband, anonymous, c. 1600 - c. 1615
Room 0.7
Band voor een bijbel, anonymous, 1718
Room 0.7
Cassowary egg from the wreck of the Dutch East India ship Witte Leeuw, , before 1613
Room 0.11
Pocket Compass, anonymous, c. 1800 - c. 1858
Room 0.13
Apothecary bottle with Lucretia, anonymous, c. 1530 - c. 1560
Room 0.5
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