tiny things Route
Visit 7 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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The app will guide you step by step along these artworks in the museum.
tiny things in the museum
Banquet Still Life, Adriaen van Utrecht, 1644
Room 2.4
Still Life of Fruit and Flowers, Balthasar van der Ast, 1621
Room 2.6
Still Life with Fish, Sea Food and Flowers, Clara Peeters, c. 1612 - c. 1615
Room 2.6
Still Life with a Vase of Flowers and a Dead Frog, Jacob Marrel, 1634
Room 2.6
Flower Still-life with an Alabaster Vase, Gerard van Spaendonck, 1783
Room 1.11
Still Life with Flowers, Jan van Huysum, 1723
Room 1.1
Giuliano & Francesco Giamberti da Sangallo Piero di Cosimo (1462–1522), Piero di Cosimo, 1482 - 1485
Room 0.5
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