objects Route
Visit 7 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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objects in the museum
Ewer and basin with the arms of Vlissingen, Jacques Bogaert (attributed to), 1608
Room 2.12
Model of the William Rex, Adriaen de Vriend, Adriaen Davidsen, Cornelis Moerman, 1698
Room 2.15
Flower pyramid, De Metaale Pot (attributed to), c. 1692 - c. 1700
Room 2.22
Cockatoo, Meissener Porzellan Manufaktur, 1734
Room 1.4
Monkey with a snuffbox, Meissener Porzellan Manufaktur, c. 1730 - c. 1733
Room 1.4
Cane handle, Louis Métayer, 1750
Room 1.2
Horse tomb figure, anonymous, 650 - 750
Room 2
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