De Tafelberg en Kaapstad gezien…
Jan Brandes
Patrijs (francolinus jugularis)
Theo van Hoytema
Numida meleagris (Helmeted…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Bradypodion pumilum (Cape dwarf…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Sagittarius serpentarius (Secretary…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Vidua macroura (Pin-tailed whydah)…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Beetles, chafers and grasshoppers…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Acacia karroo Hayne or Vachellia…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Upupa africana (Hoopoe)
Robert Jacob Gordon
Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt
Copies after San rock-paintings of…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Giraffa camelopardalis (Giraffe)
Robert Jacob Gordon
Chieftans of the Namaqualand region
Robert Jacob Gordon
View of the farm of Jan Bruins at…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Waterfall at Drakenstein at the…
Robert Jacob Gordon
A Khoikhoi kraal with dancers and…
Robert Jacob Gordon
The kraal of “Captain” Coba (or…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Kaart van Kaap de Goede Hoop en de…
Kaart van Afrika
Carel Allard
Equus zebra (Bergzebra)
Robert Jacob Gordon
Two views of the farm “Bergrivier”…
Robert Jacob Gordon
Kweekvlei,the stock-farm of the…
Robert Jacob Gordon
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