
There is a temporary change to the loan procedure for the period October 2019 to October 2021. Please make sure to request your loan on time.

Change to loan applications

Loans in the period October 2019 - October 2021

Due to the relocation of our storage facility to the new Collection Centre Netherlands (CC NL) in Amersfoort, many objects are temporarily less accessible. This affects our loan policy.

We can process your loan applications for the above period if submitted before 1 October 2019. If your request is granted, the objects will be set aside for you. We expect to be able to return to our standard loan policy and loan activities from October 2021.

You can continue to submit loan applications for prints, drawings or photographs during the relocation period. These collections are not moving to Amersfoort.

General information and conditions

We will be happy to consider a loan application for your exhibition or permanent display. Please take the following points into account:

Address your letter of application to:

Taco Dibbits, General Director, Rijksmuseum, PO Box 74888, 1070 DN Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Make sure that you provide the following information:

  • Name and address of the applicant institution
  • Name, position and contact details of the person handling the application
  • Reason for your application
  • Exhibition period
  • The name of the exhibition
  • List of requested objects with their objectnumbers
  • A recent facility report

If you have any further questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office: or call +31 (0)20 6747000.


The Rijksmuseum does not charge a fee for loans. Nor do we charge for preparing condition reports, packing the objects and courier supervision. However, any potential borrower should take the following expenses into account:

  • Transport. All transports are carried out by a recognized art transport firm.
  • Insurance of objects during transport and the period of the loan
  • Packaging

For exhibitions outside the Netherlands:

  • Hotel with breakfast and a per diem rate for the courier


The Rijksmuseum aims to provide you with a definite answer within three months of receiving your application. During this time, your application will be subject to the following steps:

  • The Registrar’s Office registers the application and coordinates the loan procedure.
  • Our curators issue a recommendation, taking into account the availability of the objects.
  • Our conservators then issue a recommendation based on the condition of the works.
  • In the event of a favourable recommendation, the Registrar’s Office draws up a loan contract.
  • If the recommendation is not in favour of the loan, the applicant is notified as soon as possible.
  • Any contract drawn up is submitted for approval and signature to Taco Dibbits, General Director.

Two months prior to the start of the loan, the Registrar’s Office will contact the borrower to make arrangements for transport and installation.