…; ? collection Maria de Reus, living outside Amsterdam, 30 April 1695, to be sold privately or at auction by Jan Wijncoop (‘Jordaens, Een stuck zijnde een overvaert’);{List of pictures, with a deposition made by the husband of Maria de Reus, Adriaen Le Febre, archival document N-284, GPI, from the GAA, NAA 4384 (film 4378), fols. 616v-617v; first related to the Amsterdam picture in the unpublished _Research Report for the External Advisory Board_, meeting at the Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, 15 February 2008, p. 7, with corrections offered at the meeting itself, unpublished transcript; both documents kindly made available to the compiler.}…; ? one of a group of pictures (including SK-C-446, 447, 453) in the collection of the Oude-Zijdshuis, Amsterdam, transferred to the Nieuwe-Zijdshuis, Amsterdam; from there transferred to the Werkhuis, 1 June 1873;{Label numbered ‘4’ on reverse of the frame.} on loan from the City of Amsterdam to the museum since 1885; on loan to the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, since 2002
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)