Govert Flinck

Officers and Other Civic Guardsmen of District XVIII in Amsterdam, under the Command of Captain Albert Dircksz Bas and Lieutenant Lucas Pietersz Conijn



fig. a Reconstruction of the Great Hall of the Kloveniersdoelen with the seven works made for it. From left to right: on the short wall the civic guard painting by Joachim von Sandrart (1640), above the fireplace the governors’ portrait by Govert Flinck (1642) and next to it the Flinck discussed here (1645); on the long wall Rembrandt’s Night Watch (1642) and the civic guard pieces by Nicolaes Eliasz Pickenoy (1642) and Jacob Backer (1642); and above the entrance the one by Bartholomeus van der Helst (1643). Image: Ineke de Graaff
