Govert Flinck

Portrait of the Governors of the Kloveniersdoelen



fig. a Reconstruction of the Great Hall of the Kloveniersdoelen with the seven works made for it. From left to right: on the short wall the civic guard painting by Joachim von Sandrart (1640), above the fireplace the portrait discussed here (1642) and next to it Flinck’s civic guard piece (1645); on the long wall Rembrandt’s Night Watch (1642) and the civic guard pieces by Nicolaes Eliasz Pickenoy (1642) and Jacob Backer (1642); and above the entrance the one by Bartholomeus van der Helst (1643). Image: Ineke de Graaff

fig. b Govert Flinck, Study for ‘Portrait of the Governors of the Kloveniersdoelen’, c. 1642. Red and black chalk, 210 x 278 mm. Bremen, Kunsthalle Bremen. Photo: Kunsthalle Bremen – Die Kulturgutscanner – ARTOTHEK
