? Commissioned by or for the sitter; by descent to Willem Ferdinand Mogge Muilman (1778-1849), Amsterdam;{Smith IX, 1842, p. 206, no. 198.} ? his wife, Magdalena Antonia Muilman (1788-1853), Amsterdam; ? her daughter, Anna Maria van de Poll-Mogge Muilman (1811-78), Amsterdam; her stepson, Jacobus Salomon Hendrik van de Poll (1837-80), Amsterdam; by whom bequeathed to the museum together with 49 other paintings, 1880{RANH, ARS, IS, inv. 162, no. 367 (21 June 1880); RANH, ARM, Kop, inv. 39, p. 288, no. 36 (26 June 1880); RANH, ARM, Kop, inv. 39, p. 288, no. 37 (29 June 1880); RANH, ARS, IS, inv. 162, no. 370 (30 June 1880); RANH, ARM, Kop, inv. 39, p. 289, no. 39 (3 July 1880); RANH, ARM, Kop, inv. 39, p. 289, no. 41 (9 July 1880); RANH, ARS, IS, inv. 162, no. 371 (15 July 1880); RANH, ARM, Kop, inv. 39, p. 291, no. 50 (10 August 1880). Provenance reconstructed by Cornelis van der Bas, 2003.}
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)