…; first recorded in the museum, 1809, as by an unknown master{Coll. cat. 1809, p. 95, no. 455. E.W. Moes and E. van Biema, _De Nationale Konst-Gallery en Het Koninklijk Museum_, Amsterdam 1909, p. 52, quoting C.S. Roos’s manuscript _Beknopte Beschrijving_; it seems not to feature in the ground plan of 1800 published by Van Thiel in P.J.J. van Thiel, ‘De inrichting van de Nationale Konst-Gallery in het openingsjaar 1800’, _Oud Holland_ 95 (1981), pp. 170-227, esp. pp. 170 ff.; it would seem therefore to have been accepted as part of the Nationale Konst-Gallery in 1800/01 coming from an as yet unidentified source. E.W. Moes and E. van Biema, _De Nationale Konst-Gallery en Het Koninklijk Museum_, Amsterdam 1909, p. 169, described it as attributed to Gerard de Lairesse and as housed in the depot.}
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)