…; anonymous sale [Jonkheer Hendrik Six van Hillegom (1790-1847), Lord of Hillegom], Amsterdam (J. de Vries et al.), 25 November 1852, no. 8, as Fluweele Bruegel (‘Eene kapitale Schilderij, voorstellende een gezigt op de stad Antwerpen en het omliggende land, genomen uit de hoogte en rijk gestoffeerd met beelden en paarden. hoog 2 el, breed 3 el 50 d. Doek’), bought in at fl. 25; donated by Jonkheer Jan Pieter Six, Lord of Hillegom (1824-99) to the museum, 1852, as Bruegel;{NHA, ARS, Kop, inv. 38, pp. 99-100 (20 February 1852); NHA, ARS, IS, inv. 24, no. 89 (3 March 1852); NHA, ARS, Kop, inv. 38, p. 105 (7 May 1852). Jan Six, email 18 February 2015, kindly states that the picture is not listed in earlier Six inventories (nor was it part of the Van Winter collection, for which see R. Priem, ‘The ‘‘Most Excellent Collection’’ of Lucretia Johanna van Winter: The Years 1809-22, with a Catalogue of the Works Purchased’, _Simiolus_ 25 (1997) pp. 103-235, esp. pp. 103ff.).} on loan through the DRVK, since 1951; on loan to the Middelburg Town Hall, since 1951
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)