…; sale, Jean-Adrien Snyers (1775-1841), Antwerp, sold on the deceased’s premises (auction house not known), scheduled for 4 May 1818, but brought forward to 27 April, no. 116 (‘ANT. VAN DYCK. Deux Anges, dont l’un chante et l’autre joue de la violoncello, amusent de leur musique la Vierge et l’enfant Jésus répresentés dans une gloire. […] Sur toile, haut 3 pieds 3 pouces, large 4 pieds 9 pouces [height and width in inverted order; 137.8 x 93.6 cm]’), bought in; purchased from Jean-Adrien Snyers by Willem I, King of the Netherlands, for the museum, 1822{NHA, RMA, IS, inv. 10, no. 18 (20 June 1821); NHA, RMA, IS, inv. 10, no. 22 (24 July 1821); NHA, RMA, Kop, inv. 36, p. 114 (28 July 1821); NHA, RMA, IS, inv. 10, no. 29 (23 April 1822); NHA, RMA, IS, inv. 10, no. 32 (3 May 1822). E.W. Moes and E. van Biema, _De Nationale Konst-Gallery en Het Koninklijk Museum_, Amsterdam 1909, p. 134. P. van Vliet, ‘Spaanse schilderijen in het Rijksmuseum, afkomstig van schenkingen van Koning Willem I’, _Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum_ 14 (1966), pp. 131-49, esp. pp. 134, 143, note 9.}
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)