The Keelhauling of the Ship’s Surgeon of Admiral Jan van Nes, Lieve Pietersz. Verschuier, 1660 - 1686

The Keelhauling of the Ship’s Surgeon of Admiral Jan van Nes, Lieve Pietersz. Verschuier, 1660 - 1686

oil on canvas, h 106cm × w 159cm × d 9cm More details

According to tradition, the surgeon of Admiral van Nes was keelhauled: this was a severe punishment whereby the condemned man was dragged beneath the ship’s keel on a rope. It served as a terrible warning to all mariners. Hundreds of men are eagerly watching the spectacle. Some are pointing at the surgeon, who hangs from the foremast of the warship, hand and feet bound, as he is hoisted overboard.