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Portret van Suzanna Maria Crommelin, sedert 1809 echtgenote van Egbert Johannes Koch. Ten halven lijve, een muts op het hoofd, twee kettingen om de hals.
…; bequeathed by Susanna Maria Büchner, née Berns (1844-1915), Deventer, to the museum, but given in usufruct to her stepdaughter Marie Büchner (1873-1962), Gorssel, 1915; transferred to the museum, 1960
Please note that this provenance was formulated with a special focus on provenance research for the years 1933-45 and could therefore be incomplete. There may be more (mostly earlier) provenance information known in the museum.
In case this item has an uncertain or incomplete provenance for the years 1933-45, the Rijksmuseum welcomes information and assistance in the investigation and clarification of the provenance of all works during that era.