…; collection Eugen Gutmann (1840-1925), Munich;{Dealer cat. Houthakker 1955, p. 13, no. 65.} his son, Friedrich Bernhard Eugen Gutmann (1886-1944), Heemstede/ Kleine Festung, (Czechoslovakia);{Note RMA.} from whom, with xx other objects, to the dealers J. Böhler and Haberstock, 1941 or 1942;{MCCP website, file card no. 36550.} …; war recuperation, SNK, as 'self portrait', 1946;{MCCP Website, file card no. 36550; Ekkart et al. 2006, Gutmann.} restituted to Mr. J.A.B. Gomperts, on behalf of Mr. B.E.F.W. Gutmann and Mrs. L.V. Gutmann, as 'zelfportret', 1954;{HNA, SNK Archive, inv. no. 443, letter dd. 4 February 1954, no. 1218.} ...; from the dealer Bernard Houthakker, Amsterdam, fl. 12,600, to the museum, 1955
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)