Ruth and Boas, Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem, 1640 - 1650 oil on canvas, h 107.3cm × w 133.3cm × t 4cm × d 10cm More details
Identification Title(s) Ruth and Boas Object type painting Object number SK-A-32 Inscriptions / marks signature: ‘NClBerighem’ Description Ruth, knielend op de grond, wordt toegesproken door Boas. Op de achtergrond wordt graan geoogst.
Material and Technique Physical features oil on canvas Material canvas oil paint (paint) Measurements height 107.3 cm × width 133.3 cm × thickness 4 cmdepth 10 cm
Documentation Nicolaes Berchem, Pieter 1944- Biesboer, p. 12, 134, 1 All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Pieter J.J. van Thiel, p. 110
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