Meadow in Bloom, Egbert Rubertus Derk Schaap, 1913 oil on canvas, h 59.7cm × w 93.6cm × t 2.6cm × d 10.5cm More details
Identification Title(s) Meadow in Bloom Object type painting Object number SK-A-2653 Inscriptions / marks signature and date: ‘E.R.D. Schaap 1913’ Description Een bloeiende weide, in de verte begrensd door een rij berken.
Material and Technique Physical features oil on canvas Material canvas oil paint (paint) Measurements height 59.7 cm × width 93.6 cm × thickness 2.6 cmdepth 10.5 cm
Acquisition and rights Credit line Gift of C.F.J. Brands, Amsterdam Acquisition gift Feb-1913 Copyright Public domain
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