…; estate inventory, Albertina Agnes (1634-96), Princess of Oranje-Nassau, Frisian Stadholder’s Court, Leeuwarden, January/February 1681, the princess’s cabinet, no. 899 (‘Onse Lieve Vrouw met kindcken, geschildert door Quintus Masius, met dubbele liste’);{Drossaers/Lunsingh Scheurleer II, 1974, p. 112.} …; transferred from Paleis Het Loo to the museum, 18 September 1798;{List of paintings sent from Paleis Het Loo to the museum; see Moes/Van Biema 1909, pp. 17, 171.} on loan to the Mauritshuis, The Hague, since 1948
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)