? Commissioned by Cornelis van der Geest (1555-1638), Antwerp, by 1628;{J.S. Held, _Rubens and his Circle: Studies by Julius S. Held_, A. Lowenthal, D. Rosand and J. Walsh (eds.), Princeton 1982, pp. 42-43. There are small details which differ from Van Haecht’s copy, most notably is omitted the section at the right from the middle of the right-hand tent. Joost Vander Auwera has kindly pointed out - in a private communication - that Van der Geest’s ownership of the museum picture is not to be regarded as certain. For Van der Geest, see most recently Schepers in E. McGrath, G. Martin, F. Healy, B. Schepers, C. Van de Velde and K. De Clippel, _Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard_, XI (1): _Mythological Subjects: Achilles to the Graces_, 2 vols., London/Turnhout 2016, I, pp. 157-58. His main heirs were Cornelis de Licht, Cornelis Hecx and Adrian Rademaecher, see Held 1982, p. 64, note 19.}…; sale, P.M. Kesler (†) et al., Amsterdam (J. de Vries et al.), 13 May 1844 _sqq_., no. 30 (‘SEBASTIAAN FRANKS. hoog 56 d., breed 1 el 12 d. [56 x 112 cm] Paneel. Dit fraaije en rijk geordoneerde Stuk stelt voor een IJsvreugd op de rivier de Schelde voor de stad Antwerpen, zoo also dezelve zich vertoonde in den strengen winter van den jare 1622. De schilder heeft de portretten van P.P.RUBBENS, zijne vrouwe en vele zijner kunst en tijdgenooten daarop afgebeeld’), bought in at fl. 80;{_Verslagen_1897, p. 15; Copy RKD.} by descent, to his last surviving heir, Mrs Lowe-Timmer, Vreeswijk; from whom, fl. 455, to the museum, with the support of the Vereniging Rembrandt, April 1897;{Note RMA.} on loan to the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, 2002-10
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)